Part 1 Episode Notes

Great time for this episode to drop, since the eyes of the country seem to be set on the "labor shortage" in the food service industry.

Maricela (or Mari) works with the good people over at One Fair Wage, where they are fighting the sub minimum wage to which restaurant food service workers are subject. The ultimate goal? To build sectoral bargaining power for ALL service workers.

To learn more about One Fair Wage, visit their website at:


Part 2 Episode Notes

It's critical, probably more so than ever, to seize this moment for service workers (because of all of the things that Mari gets into about the conditions of workers *before* COVID, which have been exacerbated during the pandemic and recovery).

If you're interested in connecting with this organization and joining its efforts, please get in touch with One Fair Wage!

Service Workers of the World, Unite!


Part 1 Transcript


Part 2 Transcript


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